Emsworth School Extension 2014 - HCC Property Services

This scheme comprises a two classroom extension to Emsworth Primary School and substantial refurbishment and recladding of the existing SCOLA school to create a ‘new’ Juniors wing. There is in addition associated landscaping, playground and courtyard. Designed in such a way as to be easily extended, another two classrooms and canopy overhang to the entrance, have since been added (2018). The project was run as a Design and Build Contract from planning onwards with a similar scheme at Petersgate Infants School nearby. Both projects were delivered on programme, on budget and well built. Very complimentary feedback was received from the Headteacher and from the contractor. 

‘Just to say to all of you in HCC, what a pleasure it has been to work with you all, always courteous, always fair’ 

Tim Dunsford, Contracts Manager, Brymor.