Colden Common Reception Classrooms 2015 - HCC Property Services

This scheme provided two new reception classrooms with reception play area and reflective courtyard to Colden Common Primary School at Brambridge near Eastleigh. Further works included part refurbishment of the existing school to create a new ICT suite and library. The scheme has been sympathetically designed and detailed to mirror the existing and is located between the main hall and classroom wing. I was given the role of contract administrator. The project completed on time and on budget despite significant redesign of the scope of scheme and details whilst on site.  Very positive feedback was received from the school.

‘I found Claire to be extremely professional. She communicated very effectively and was authoritative, which was needed but pleasant to deal with. Claire maintained a dialogue with me, the builders and the site managers. Claire patiently explained details in ways that I could understand which helped me make informed decisions. The site manager felt valued and not patronised. From the start of Claire’s involvement we had a smooth process. The building is exactly what we needed and I am very appreciative of the hard work that Claire and the other architects out into the project.’                                                    S. Taylor, Former Headteacher, Colden Common Primary School